Friday, September 30, 2011

Wisconsin Lighthouses

Christine asked a great question - how many lighthouses are there in WI? Well, according to one of my favorite resources (granted it may not be the prettiest of sites),, there are 52 lighthouses is WI. To break it down by WI body of water, there are 36 on Lake Michigan including around Door County, 11 on Lake Superior including the Apostle Islands, and 6 on Lake Winnebago.
I have visited each of the lighthouses around Lake Winnebago...more detailed story to come. I only photographed 4 out of the 6 because two of them weren't much to look at. The others in WI include a handful on the Lake Michigan shoreline. I have yet to venture to Lake Superior...maybe that will be next summer's trip.
There is a great book available called "Wisconsin Lighthouses: A Photographic and Historical Guide" by Ken Wardius. Mom has a copy of it, and I have been studying now and then. Right now the book has stayed at Mom and Dad's house. I feel guilty for taking it from Mom's collection, even though I'm sure Dad won't have a problem with it. So for right now it gives me something to read at Dad's house when sports viewing is a little light. (Granted I can't say that about this weekend because we have Milwaukee Brewers playoff action, HUGE Wisconsin Badgers vs. Nebraska Cornhuskers football game, and Packer football, plus Dad and I will be cheering on Chris and Cassie in the Lakefront Marathon on Sunday morning. So no lighthouse reading for me.)

Well I'm going to call it a story for today! Have a great weekend, and I'll share more stories with you next week!

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