Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers! I wish each and every one of you a great day surrounded by family and friends filled with love and happiness. Plus I cannot forget complete with delicious food.
My Thanksgiving festivities began Tuesday night with my Red Stag volleyball team. Winning two out of three games and enjoying a dinner filled with laughs was a fantastic start. Then on Wednesday, I made the drive down to Franklin by Dad and Chris. First on the list of things to do was to go grocery shopping, which was a zoo. Second on the list was to begin cooking some of the menu items so Thursday is less hectic. I started by making the traditional turkey dressing, which is a generational recipe passed down from my great-great grandmother, Alma Heilemann (Judy Selin Klein, Jean Heilemann Selin, Ruth Dunn Heilemann, Alma Erich Heilemann). Peeling and chopping apples, chopping celery, adding raisins, crushing crackers, and cooking on the stove top is all that is needed in making this special recipe. While the dressing is cooking down, I peeled potatoes and made Dad’s favorite pumpkin pie (one of Mom’s special recipes). During all of this slicing, dicing, peeling and chopping, I was waiting for Mom to walk down the hallway and tell me how great everything. However, I do know she was looking down on me and guiding me through the cooking process.
Once these menu items were complete, I had enough time to quick clean up and get myself ready to join some special friends for dinner and a little fun out at the bars. Melissa, Anne, Greg, Kelly, Mike, Vanessa, and I celebrated Thanksgiving Eve by listening to a band at Bulwinkles and dancing at the Ale House. Always fun at our ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving party!

Now to the big day! Dad and I are tag teaming the Thanksgiving dinner and celebrating another Packer victory. Bring on yummy turkey, turkey dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and relish, peas and carrots, and rolls. Dad, Chris, Cassie and I will be indulging in this tasty dinner around 5 – 6 p.m. and then letting the turkey coma set in for the evening.

Tomorrow will be a day of recovery, maybe some shopping if I am brave enough, and then a fun Black Friday party with friends.
Saturday is a day of more food and family! The Klein family will descend upon the Kreys’ house in Valders for the annual Klein Thanksgiving. We will all be ready to feast on a big Italian dinner and most likely achieving the goal of being uncomfortably full. In between all of the food eating, we will find time to plan the menu for our Moroccan Christmas dinner.
Come Sunday, I will be back in Appleton recovering from five straight days of partying with family and friends and watching football.
So after all of this, what am I most thankful for? I am most thankful for my Dad and brother; for Mom teaching me how to cook for my family so we can keep our family traditions alive; for the Klein family and all of the memories we create when we are together; for my very special friends - Melissa, Anne, Greg, Kelly, Mike, Vanessa, and Cassie; for all other great people in my life. So very blessed with the circle of family and friends I have in my life.
Cheers to family, friends and traditions! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day (or 5 day affair like mine) and until next time, take care and talk to you soon!

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